The Assembly Building (Bouleuterion in ancient Greek), one of the historical and architectural riches of Patara, is located behind the Western Stoa of the Agora in the center of the city, north of the Theater. The architectural design of the building is characterized by two basic geometric forms, rectangular and semicircular. Spread over an area of approximately 1300 square meters, the height of the building was measured as 17 meters thanks to the northwest corner wall preserved up to the roof level.
The orchestra floor of the Parliament building is covered with green-blue Cippolino marble of Italian origin. A semicircular cavea with 21 steps rises from the orchestra. On the central axis of the cavea there is a special semicircular box (tribunal) reserved for high level executives (speaker of the assembly, governor of the state, etc.). To the east of the orchestra is a high podium in the simple architectural style typical of Lycia; however, this section is the worst preserved part of the building. At the north and south ends of the cave there are two rooms covered with barrel vaults. It is thought that the southern room may have been used as an archive and the northern as a dungeon.
The Patara Assembly Building is a multi-phase structure and continued to exist with modifications, repairs and additions into the later periods of the Eastern Roman Empire:
The Patara Assembly Building was home to the impressive governance model of the Lycian League. The famous philosopher Montesquieu described the Lycian League's form of government as “the most perfect example of a republic” in his work The Spirit of Laws. This magnificent structure reflects the importance of Lycian history and architecture and allows for the implementation of one of the best-known forms of government in history.
Between 2008 and 2012, extensive conservation and restoration works carried out by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) preserved the architectural details of the building and transferred it to the future.
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