Markia Monumental Tomb


The Monumental Tomb of Markia, one of the most important tombs in the Necropolis of Patara, is one of the well-documented monuments for which excavations have been completed. The tomb is located in the southeast of the bay of Patara, just southwest of the present ticket office. The location of the tomb shows that it was a very convenient choice both for its location and for the transportation of blocks, materials and workers during the construction phase. The inscriptions indicate that the tomb was located in a wooded area at the time of its construction, as it is today.


The eastern façade of the tomb was built on the slope and rock, while the western façade faced the harbor. It is clear that the view of the harbor was an important criterion in the selection of the tomb site. The location of the tomb was designed so that it could be seen from the harbor side and the tomb became part of this view and the surrounding natural landscape.


The monumental tomb of Markia was built on a high podium with eight steps. The corners are in Doric order, while the façade columns are in Corinthian order. The upper covering is completed with three fascia, a convex frieze and a triangular pediment. The square burial chamber has a vaulted ceiling and a Γ (gamma) plan bench in which two sarcophagi were placed. There is a single hyposorion (lower burial chamber) entered from the north side of the tomb podium. This rectangular lower chamber is also vaulted.


According to the inscriptions found in the tomb, there were two sarcophagi in the burial chamber. One of these sarcophagi was built for the owner of the tomb, Markia, and her husband Alkimos; the other was built for her father and brother.


The Markia Mausoleum is an important structure in the architectural and social history of Patara. Its strong visual relationship to the harbor and its carefully designed structural details reflect the tomb concept of the period and the importance attached to family ties.









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