The Prytaneion, located between the Theater and the Assembly Building, was unearthed during excavations in the summer of 2012. The Prytaneion was used as the office of high-ranking officials (prytanes) in the ancient city. The prytanes who performed their duties in this building also hosted diplomatic guests from outside.
The building draws attention as a set of spaces built on the bedrock. Its architectural structure is divided into two separate sections with functional and periodical differences.
ın addition, remains of the walls around the Prytaneion, which were probably severely damaged in antiquity, have been found. The different parts of the building and its additions reflect a long period of use and repairs carried out in different periods.
During the excavations, two coins from the second half of the 1st century AD were found under the floor of the rooms, and these finds shed light on the construction date of the building. The Prytaneion played an important role in the social and political life of Patara with both diplomatic and administrative functions.
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